I am a wife and mom to two beautiful girls Emma, 9 and Sophia, 7 living in Collingswood, NJ.  I am also a professional opera singer and voice teacher at Drexel University in Philadelphia.  I love to stamp and have had a blast doing this blog.  I have not been stamping long at all.  Actually, you may be surprised if I tell you, so I won’t!  Here is my list of stuff and kudos:

Senior Design Team Member:  Kitchen Sink Stamps 

Release Design Team: Papertrey Ink

Guest Artist: Starving Artistamps

PaperTrey Ink Guest Star Stamper: “Holiday Treats”

PaperTrey Ink Honorable Mention: “Piece of Cake”

Papertrey Ink Honorable Mention: “Sweet Love”

First Featured Artist for “Crafts on a Whim”

  Here are a few things that I love so you can get a better sense of who I am:  Jesus, my DH and my girls, coffee, laughing, being with my friends Music: Andreas Scholl, Alison Krauss Composers: Bach, Schütz, Mahler, Britten, Barber (the composer list could go on).  Books:  The Bible, Lovely Bones and even though it is not a book, I am obsessed with the “Last Page” of the Smithsonian magazine. Things I Love: Anything German.  The language, the people, the music, the hand crafts, and most of all the country.  I love to sing and play Renaissance and Baroque recorders when I have time.  I love pottery and collecting redware.  I love coffee!!!

My full professional biography can be found on my MySpace music site where you can also hear me sing (located in my blogroll list.)

 If you ever want to get in contact with me you can e-mail me at oehlers@verizon.net or contact me on Splitcoast Stampers.  My user name is Sing n’ Stamp.