This lovely Wedding program was made by my new friend Maren, who I met while singing with The Crossing Choir.  We got talking about our hobbies and things and when I told her how much I loved paper crafts she was eager to show me her wedding program, as her and her new husband , Ray,  have only been married for just over a year now.  I was extremely impressed and asked her if I could feature it on my blog, to which she agreed.  It is a very simple yet striking design, and I just love how when held together by a large brad, it makes “page turnings” completely silent!  Only a musician could be thinking about things like that! I also love the shimmery cardstock she used.  It is a nice compliment to the black ink.  They were married in Hawaii and at first, Maren was thinking about wanting to do a peacock theme for her wedding.  The program certainly would have accompanied a them like that nicely.  well it turns out that during the ceremony, a peacock walked across the lawn!!  Wow.  Maren has been kind enough to offer the template she has made for this project on her blog which is HERE.  So go visit her and tell her a big thanks and what you think!  I really love how she has the program broken down into such nice categories to make a very full fan.  Here are the categories she has for each fan fold:

  1. Their Names and date, time, place
  2. Ceremony (lists prelude music, seating of the Mothers, processional)
  3. Rememberances and Acknowledgements
  4. Wedding Vows, Ring exchange
  5. Wedding Party
  6. Ushers, Officiant, Special thanks
  7. Traditions (they did a Lei exchange)
  8. About the Music: Maren explained some of the pieces as well as explaining why she chose NOT to sing in her ceremony.
  9. about the music: continuation.

 Here are some wedding pictures with some of Maren’s friends!