I have decided to offer these single sheet papers for fun as well.  The “Singlets” will be 6×6 just like the other papers. 

Many of you have contacted me privately and asked why I am not charging for these papers.  Well…that isn’t what it is about for me.  Some of you also asked if I could put up a donation button for the work that I do.  Again, I am not interested. But, if you would like to give something for these papers, I would like to direct your attention to my best friend.  She will kill me for doing this, but I don’t really care.  Sorry Janet.  You may have even read her hysterical BLOG which is on my sidebar, or of her sister’s fight with CF HERE.  Listen, here is the deal:   Janet’s husband Jeff has been diagnosed with Follicular  Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, a treatable, but incurable cancer.  Both Janet and Jeff are some of the strongest people I know, both in character and in Christ.  You would never believe someone like Jeff, an incredible athlete and coach, would have to suffer something like this.  You can read more about Jeff on the BLOG.  Most importantly, I would like you to donate if you wish, to Jeff’s Trust Fund, which has been established  to help them not only with medical expenses, but also for any future things they may need for his health, or their 5 children’s well-being.  Please go to the tab that says BLOG to donate.  Both Janet and Jeff are incredible commited Christians whom we love very much.  Please consider making a donation to their family no matter how small.  Also, if you live in the PA, NJ area, they will be having a family fund walk  on Sept. 6th that you can also be a part of with your whole family!!  Please enjoy the papers, but enjoy also the health in which you are blessed with.  I hope you enjoy our weekend and take the extra step to help a very special family to us get what they need to support their husband and Dad.  Thanks from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!!

This is some paper I designed around my logo for Demi Design:


Go HERE to download this single sheet of paper